Prices from £25 a session.

The Emmi-Pet ultrasonic toothbrush  uses ultrasound waves to reduce plaque tartar and heal gums and prevents dental disease and deterioration. The toothbrush is a silent, non-vibrating, non-invasive treatment for oral hygiene.

  • The Emmi-pet toothbrush works 12mm beneath the gumline to kill bacteria using ultrasound
  • Emmi-Pet is a painless treatment
  • Heals gums and prevents dental problems
  • It is stress free and requires no anaesthetic

No Longer Wolves

The ancestors of our dogs did not have to brush their teeth - because of their natural food, tartar problems did not commonly occur. They killed their prey animals and ate them with skin and hair and chewed to the last bone. This raw and hardened diet made sure that no particles stuck in the teeth and kept the teeth clean. Today's instant food is very different and dental problems are very common in the modern day canine.

Even attentive pet owners often miss the fact that their dog is suffering from painful diseases of the teeth such as tartar and gingivitis. Our dogs cannot communicate when they are suffering with toothache and therefor preventative care is a must - That's where the Emmi-pet comes in.

Just Some Of Our Amazing Emmi-pet Results